Welcome to Update 24 for the MSCOS Community of Practice (MS-CoP), which focuses on positive outcomes for children and young adults who have experienced trafficking. This was the topic of our February online expert forum which was conducted via partnership of two outcome set frameworks: MSCOS and the Creating Stable Futures: Implementing a Positive Outcomes Framework (CSF-POF) | Sheffield Hallam University. In this update you will find recordings of our February online expert forum speakers' presentations.
Thank you to Patricia Hynes, Professor of Social Justice, Sheffield Hallam University, who helped organise the online expert forum, and our expert speakers: Peter Parker, from our MSCOS Research Advisory Board, Anna Skeels, Research Fellow, SARK, Cardiff University, Angeliki Argyriou, Clinical Psychologist, Helen Bamber Foundation, Imogen Spencer-Chapman, Head of Operations, Training and Quality Practice, ECPAT UK, and Kirsty Thomson, Senior Director of Europe, KIND.
Welcome to Update 24 for the MSCOS Community of Practice (MS-CoP), which focuses on positive outcomes for children and young adults who have experienced trafficking. This was the topic of our February online expert forum which was conducted via partnership of two outcome set frameworks: MSCOS and the Creating Stable Futures: Implementing a Positive Outcomes Framework (CSF-POF) | Sheffield Hallam University. In this update you will find recordings of our February online expert forum speakers' presentations.
Thank you to Patricia Hynes, Professor of Social Justice, Sheffield Hallam University, who helped organise the online expert forum, and our expert speakers: Peter Parker, from our MSCOS Research Advisory Board, Anna Skeels, Research Fellow, SARK, Cardiff University, Angeliki Argyriou, Clinical Psychologist, Helen Bamber Foundation, Imogen Spencer-Chapman, Head of Operations, Training and Quality Practice, ECPAT UK, and Kirsty Thomson, Senior Director of Europe, KIND.
Creating Stable Futures For Young Adults Who Have Experienced Human Trafficking
Rachel Witkin,
Director of MSCOS Community of Practice |
The Need for Collaborative Work to Support Young Adults who have Experienced Human TraffickingRachel Witkin has directed the MS-CoP since its inception, alongside the MSCOS partners and Research Advisory Board. She is an international anti-trafficking practice consultant with over 25 years experience working on a frontline basis with survivors for human rights law firms, British Refugee Council and Amnesty International.
Patricia Hynes,
Professor of Social Justice, Sheffield Hallam University |
Development of a Positive Outcomes Framework for young people affected by human traffickingProf Patricia Hynes’ working experience has been in two parts, firstly as a practitioner working with refugees in post-conflict settings and latterly as an academic. Her research and scholarly interests span forced migration in all its forms, including asylum, refugees, human trafficking, protection and guardianship of children on the move, trust and mistrust in humanitarian settings and human rights.
Peter Parker,
MSCOS Research Advisory Board |
Meeting the Real Needs of Young Adults in the NRMPeter Parker has worked as a consultant with Survivor Alliance and Nottingham University Rights Lab, and as a peer researcher for the Modern Slavery Core Outcomes Set study and STAR-WB. He has worked with Human Trafficking Foundation as an independent consultant on the update of the Slavery and Trafficking Survivor Care Standards.
Anna Skeels,
Research Fellow, SPARK, Cardiff University |
Outcomes and Support for Young People with Lived Experience of Modern SlaveryAnna Skeels is a Research Fellow in Cardiff University’s new Social Science Research Park (SPARK). Her research interests include children and modern slavery, refugee and migration studies, children’s rights, participation, and protection, conducting research with potentially vulnerable groups in low income and challenging settings and the use of participatory methodologies.
Angeliki Argyriou,
Clinical Psychologist, Helen Bamber Foundation |
Understanding Psychological and Developmental Vulnerabilities of Young PeopleDr Argyriou is a Senior Clinical Psychologist at the Helen Bamber Foundation (HBF), where she has been employed since January 2019. As part of her role at HBF, she leads a trauma specialist psychology provision service for Young Roots, an organization working with children and young people.
Imogen Spencer-Chapman,
Head of Operations, Training and Quality Practice, ECPAT UK |
Understanding Leaving Care responsibilitiesImogen Spencer Chapman is the Head of Operations, Training and Quality Practice at ECPAT UK. A registered social worker, with over 20 years’ experience working with people seeking asylum and refugees, Imogen is a specialist in safeguarding, child protection and service delivery for children and young people (0-25) in migration who have been, or are at risk of being trafficked and are in the care and leaving care systems.
Kirsty Thomson,
Senior Director of Europe, KIND |
NRMs for children and young adultsKirsty Thomson is the Senior Director for Europe at Kids in Need of Defense (KIND) developing and implementing KIND’s work to address the legal and psychosocial needs of unaccompanied and separated children in Europe.
The MS-CoP is a forum for practitioners working in all fields and discipline, to share perspectives and link practice. If you would like to feature your work or have feedback for us, please do get in touch! Our criteria for features is based upon the delivery of the Modern Slavery Core Outcome Set (MSCOS), which comprises the 7 core outcomes that survivors of human trafficking have told us must be in place for their well-being, recovery and integration. Email us: [email protected].
The MSCOS Community of Practice is hosted by the Helen Bamber Foundation and directed by Rachel Witkin in collaboration with MSCOS project partners: Kings College London, Survivor Alliance, University of Nottingham Rights Lab and the University of East London. It was devised as an integral component of the MSCOS study at Kings College London by Dr Sian Oram and Dr Sharli Paphitis, with the MSCOS Research Advisory Board - Bee Damara, Brook, Juliet Joseph, Keith Lewis, Mimi Jalmasco, Peter Parker, Ruth Aguele, and Wendy. It was designed, devised and established by Rachel Witkin and Queenie Sit, and is facilitated by Arnas Tamasauskas.
The MSCOS Community of Practice is hosted by the Helen Bamber Foundation and directed by Rachel Witkin in collaboration with MSCOS project partners: Kings College London, Survivor Alliance, University of Nottingham Rights Lab and the University of East London. It was devised as an integral component of the MSCOS study at Kings College London by Dr Sian Oram and Dr Sharli Paphitis, with the MSCOS Research Advisory Board - Bee Damara, Brook, Juliet Joseph, Keith Lewis, Mimi Jalmasco, Peter Parker, Ruth Aguele, and Wendy. It was designed, devised and established by Rachel Witkin and Queenie Sit, and is facilitated by Arnas Tamasauskas.