First MSCOS online expert forum: Finding purpose in life and self-actualisation
Finding purpose in life and self-actualisation was a strong outcome from participants with lived experience of modern slavery/human trafficking. A point made repeatedly was that it is personal for each survivor and cannot be dictated by systems or services on their behalf: It could be anything that is valuable to a person who has lived experience.
MSCOS study descriptor: This outcome is about a feeling of optimism and fulfilment. The idea of being able to have hope to dream and desire to live is crucial, as is being able to tolerate good and bad days without fully losing this sense of hope. A key outcome feature is self- actualisation understood as the ability to follow passions in life and living life to the fullest. This could include, for example, using talents, setting goals for self- advancement, and articulating personal goals and dreams. We think this is the best focus for our first MSCOS online expert forum, so we will be sending out invitations to our Research Advisory Board and other survivors who are contributing to the MSCOS project.