This workshop was the end of a long process in arriving at a core outcome set. It worked with the 14 outcomes identified by E-Delphi survey participants as the most important to include in a core outcome set. The workshop was hosted by the MSCOS team on the 22nd of June 2022 and its purpose was to decide on the final outcomes for inclusion in the Modern Slavery Core Outcome Set. There were 46 participants supported by 8 facilitators.
You can find a summary of the workshops here.
You can find a summary of the workshops here.
We had representatives from academic institutions, including the University of Nottingham, King’s College London, University College London, the University of Liverpool, Queen Mary University and the University of Bedfordshire. Also attending are experts by lived experience from organisations including Survivor Alliance and the Voice of Domestic Workers. Government representatives from the Home Office, Department for Health and Social Care, Scottish Government, Welsh Government and from the Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner’s office attended. Finally, we had many participants representing non-profit organisations including Snowdrop, the Helen Bamber Foundation, the Salvation Army and the International Organisation for Migration
We asked participants to rank their top and bottom three outcomes, explaining their choices to other participants. They were then asked to rank their top three outcomes. The results of these ranking were shared and after another group discussion, people were asked to select their top three outcomes once more. These final rankings helped us to gain consensus on the final core outcome set.
Thank you
This workshop could not have happened without the input of a large array of supporters. Special thanks go to all our workshop facilitators including Finia Kuhlmann, Abigail Bently, and Lena Mohamed. Thanks also, to Minh Dang and Bee Damara for putting in an extra long shift and running the post-workshop survivor debrief space.
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